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Category: Tips + Trends for Sellers

Tips for Home Sellers – Buy First or Sell First?

One of the most common questions we hear from homeowners who are interested to move is “should we sell first or buy first?” There is no perfect solution, so you have to choose a strategy that works best for your personal circumstances and comfort level. If you sell first, you run the risk of not […]

Selling Homes in Vancouver: The Power of Good Photography

Eighty percent of real estate home buyers start their home search online, so your home’s “internet appeal” or how good your home looks in online photos is taking over as the top way to make a good first impression. The Internet has become an irreplaceable tool for selling homes in Vancouver and across the world. […]

Tips From Your Vancouver Realtor For Staging & Presenting Your Home

To sell a home in Vancouver can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be.  Your HomeTeam, your Vancouver Realtor, has been in the Vancouver Real Estate business for years, and by now we are very familiar with how to best stage your house for potential buyers.  The list of Vancouver home […]

Vancouver Real Estate Tip: Painting Your Home To Make It More Sellable

Vancouver Real Estate Tip Paint home

There are regularly houses for sale in Vancouver, and some sell quicker than others.  Oftentimes this isn’t because one house is particularly better than another but, rather, that the homeowners have put in a little extra effort to make their house more sellable.  Giving your home a new paint job is one cheap and easy […]

What Happens Next To Home Prices?

WHAT HAPPENS NEXT TO HOME PRICES?   Since 1981, prices have posted monthly year-over-year increases of 20% or more 46 times. An acceleration in prices is generally followed by a reversion of growth back to its long-run average within 12 months. In a number of periods, price growth has turned negative within 24 months, though […]

3 Advantages to Listing Your Home During the Holidays 

If you have been considering selling your home, but were hesitant to do so because of the winter season, think again! Here are 3 advantages to listing your home for sale during the holidays: 1. Competing Against Less Inventory: the Vancouver housing market has experienced more demand than supply all year, which will become even […]

My Mortgage Penalty is How Much?!

There is nothing new about mortgage penalties; however, the size of penalties these days is catching many people off guard, especially in the Vancouver real estate market where housing prices (and their mortgages) are higher than the rest of the country so these penalties are even more amplified. A mortgage penalty is triggered when a […]

Ever Wonder if You Can Afford Waterfront in Vancouver or Vancouver Island?

When investing in real estate, the basics are still true – location, location, location. You can change the look and feel of a real estate investment property, but you can’t change the location…and waterfront is the best location of all. Another thing we’ve learned through our years of experience in real estate is that it’s […]

How Does Vancouver’s New Character House Bylaw Affect House Prices?

In June 2014, the City of Vancouver released a bulletin that outlined an interim procedure for their staff to handle applications to develop or demolish houses in the city. The purpose of the new rules was to help save Vancouver’s character and heritage homes. Now, one year later, the City is considering turning the interim procedure […]

Top 8 Tips For Home Sellers in a Sellers’ Market

We are currently in a sellers’ market in Vancouver, for 2015. Here are top 8 tips for those considering listing their homes. 1) Move quickly to catch the seller’s market – Sellers’ markets don’t last forever so move quickly and decisively to catch the window of opportunity to sell your property before it changes into a balanced market. […]

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